Life has a way of keeping us so so busy; leaving little time for the things that we love and that inspire us. Since my last post in November, only one single work-related post about Art Alive made the appearance on the blog. The constant demands of work, family, and personal commitments have seriously consumed my time and energy, leaving my beloved blog gathering virtual dust. But here I am, dusting off the cobwebs, ready to reconnect with the world about my love for color, fashion and art. Whenever I am forced to put my personal projects on the back burner, I can literally feel my creative tanks running on fumes and I just cant live my life as a fulfilled being that way. Life’s chaotic journey has taught me the importance of carving out time for the activities that bring us joy and fulfillment and blogging is one such pursuit that breathes life into my soul. My absence from the blogosphere has created a new hunger to share my thoughts, experiences, and insights once again. While the past seven months have been a blur of responsibilities and obligations, I’ve come to realize that nurturing our passions is not only essential for our own well-being but also for inspiring others. I hope to reignite that spark within my followers, encouraging them to also embrace their own passions, no matter how demanding life may be. This first shoot of the re-start has no deep insight except that the colors made my soul sing and the brilliance of Bronson of Bauman Photographers helped me capture it to share how I interpreted it through fashion. Let’s once again rediscover the joy of blending elements of the visual world.

Mural artist is unknown
All Photos: Bauman Photographers
Pants: AGGI
Blazer: Vintage
Top: Zara

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